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Make the most of the space in your home

Posted: 22/01/2015

Sometimes we feel that the walls of our homes may be closing in on us, no matter how generous the square footage is. There are some sneaky tricks out there to make your home feel more spacious without having to invest in an extension. Here are some ideas:

clip_image002Banish dark corners: light filled rooms always attract us, so try to increase daylight where you can by moving taller furniture from blocking windows. Boost the light with feature lamps dotted around the room focusing on areas where you spend a lot of your time, such as desks, sofas or tables.

Control the clutter: busy extension leads with trailing wires, piles of paperwork and items lying around can make even the most spacious room look cluttered. Tidy and hide the cables away, file the paperwork and introduce baskets to the room to dump the kids’ toys in.

Check out the view: if there is a focus point such as a garden or a stunning fireplace, angle the furniture and seating area towards it.

clip_image003Dabble with décor: make formal areas softer by adding pretty accessories. Add candle sticks and candle light to the dining room table to break up the starkness, or add colourful runners to make it less plain.

Mirror magic: mirrors give even the most compact of rooms the illusion of space. This doesn’t mean investing in ornate frames, choose minimal frames for maximum impact. Position near a window so it reflects the daylight and view outside.

So take a look at that multiplying knick-knack collection that is taking over your living room and ask yourself “do you really need this much on display?” it will also helps cut down on the dusting!

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