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Tips to manage work (to achieve work/life balance)

Posted: 31/07/2014

clip_image002Our school days seem a distant memory: no responsibilities, a free and easy life... These days, however, we seem overwhelmed by work and finding that perfect balance is a challenge for us all. Here are some tips to help you manage your work life, in order to spend more time in your personal life.

“My work day and commute prevents me from finding the time to spend on basic things such as shopping, housework or spending time with my family and friends...!

Tip #1 – time calendar

We budget our money, why not budget our time? While you can earn more money, it’s hard to earn time lost. Work out how much time you’re spending working and you’re left with time you can spend on your actual life to do the things you want and need to do.

Tip #2 – manage expectations

So you have to work late one evening; try leaving work early later in the week to make up for the personal time lost. Most businesses don’t pay you for the extra work, but you feel a responsibility to meet work deadlines. Employers should understand the importance of personal time.

Tip #3 – look at what’s important

What’s more important, your job or your life? Sadly most people will assume it’s their job, however some countries will suggest it’s their life – these are people that even build siestas into their working day and still achieve what they want because they are managing their time effectively.

Tip #4 – less is more

Working mad hours isn’t always productive. Work more, sacrifice your personal life, and get stressed. The stress of long hours reduces productivity and can cancel the benefits of working extra hours. You do best by working fewer, higher-quality hours.

Tip #5 – schedule personal time first

If you schedule personal time first then you can meet work deadlines in the left over time in your schedule. Organise a family dinner at the same time each evening, and you will find a way to meet your work deadlines in order to get home at that time. If not, then complete the work at home after dinner – this way it’s not eating into your personal schedule.

All these small changes aren’t that hard to build into your day: work less, do more and have a better life!

Related articles:

· Managing your work/life balance

· Secrets to maximising family time