Green Clean: How to clean your home the eco-friendly way

It's hard to doubt the effectiveness of many of today's household cleaning products. Our bleaches, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, softeners, polishes, glass cleaners, air fresheners, disinfectants and detergents certainly get the job done!

However, there are many concerns among home owners about other aspects of these types of products. Is it really safe to use products to clean our homes that have very clear warning signs on the side of their bottles? Could they be damaging our health and that of our children and pets? Here we look at some green alternatives to standard cleaning products and show you how you can make the switch without compromising the cleanliness of your home.

What's hiding under your sink?

We assume that many of the chemicals that we purchase from the supermarket are safe but in fact they often contain highly toxic chemicals which, if you can, you should try your best to avoid, or at least limit your exposure to them as much as you can.

Most estimates put the average amount of toxic chemicals in a household to be at least 60 and what's more if we are exposed to them frequently then we can increase our chances of reproductive problems, breathing problems like asthma, hormone interruptions and cancers. Even in the short term using products without proper protection can result in burns, sore eyes and skin or breathing irritation. So when you are purchasing these products which chemicals should you take extra caution when handling? The warning labels on bottles can give you some indication but here are a few concerning chemicals to keep an eye out for.


Ammonium hydroxide is a common chemical found in several different types of cleaning products. Ammonia can be found in multi-purpose, glass and window cleaners, shining waxes and oven or drain cleaners. Ammonia is a natural substance, however high levels can cause irritation to the eyes and skin.


Butoxyethanol, or 2-Butoxyethanol as it is officially known, is an all purpose cleaning solvent. Users of this product are encouraged to dilute it before use as the chemicals are so strong and are linked to eye irritation and blood cell damage.


One chemical on this list that you are more likely to have heard of before is Chlorine thanks to its wide spread usage in swimming pools. However, you might not notice Chlorine in some cleaners as it can also go under the guises of hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite. Chlorine can cause irritation to the lungs when breathed in and can be a nuisance to those with breathing problems such as asthma or emphysema.


Sometimes known as Tetrachlorethylene, Perchlorothylene, PCE or Perc, this chemical is a solvent often used in cleaning products. It is an effective method of removing greases and oils from fabrics so is often found in fabric cleaners. Some studies such as those by the World Health Organisation say that the chemical is "probably carcinogenic to humans" and that people exposed to this chemical for long periods of time can be at a higher risk of cancer.


This particular chemical can be found almost everywhere from shampoo and cosmetics to perfume and cleaning products. However research in recent years has shown some links between phthalates exposure and a long list of problems such as asthma, autism, fertility problems and some types of cancer. Caution when using products that include phthalates is stressed and should be avoided by pregnant women and children in particular.

Sodium Hydroxide

Also known as lye or caustic soda, sodium hydroxide is most commonly used in unblocking drains and dissolving clogs in our homes. However, to get through a big build up of grease, hair or other substances a chemical needs to be very strong. Sodium hydroxide fits the bill but due to its highly caustic nature can cause severe burns when it comes in contact with skin and even blindness if you manage to get this substance in your eyes.

How to handle nasty chemicals

When used properly and in short bursts you shouldn't have too much to worry about when handling these types of chemicals. However, it is important that you keep yourself safe when doing so. First of all you should avoid mixing different cleaning products together, as rather than creating a 'super' cleaning solution you are likely to cause a dangerous and possibly toxic chemical reaction. Keep your cleaning products stored in a clean, cool and dry area and regularly check for any leakages from products. Rubber gloves should always be worn along with protective footwear when handling these products as exposing your skin and eyes to these chemicals could quite often be dangerous. Always read the instructions on the back of your products for extra guidance.

The environmental concern

Not only are many of our household cleaners a danger to our health, but there is also an argument to be had that they have a negative impact on our environment. Many household cleaners contain chemicals, enzymes and substances which are aggravating to the environment should they end up in landfill rather than being properly recycled. The environmental charity Greenpeace launched a 'Chemical Home' campaign which raised concerns over the harmful effects of these chemicals leaking into our oceans, which not only produce harmful effects on aquatic life but also humans if they are later ingested by them.

The alternatives to harsh chemical cleaning products

As you can see, many of the household cleaning products that you use on a daily basis contain nasty chemicals which can have a significant impact on your health and potentially the environment too. However, this doesn't mean that you have to settle for a dirty house. You can still achieve a clean home by other means. All you have to do is replace your go-to branded cleaners with some healthier alternatives.

Greener cleaning choices

Baking soda

First up is baking soda which is a super non-toxic, multi-purpose cleaner. Baking soda is a naturally occurring, organic material produced from the mining of naturally occurring minerals like nahcolite and trona. Baking soda is a fantastic alternative to the questionable chemicals that can be found in our cupboards and has a whole range of uses from removing foul odours, stubborn food, unclogging drains and cleaning stains.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits are a fantastic way to keep your home clean, smelling nice and free of germs. You can create an effective air freshener with lemon water and can also use sliced lemons to clean your cutting boards, making the most of lemon's antibiotic properties. Other uses include brightening your wash, removing laundry stains by dabbing with a slice of lemon and removing build ups of grease and dirt from worktops. Even the peels can be left in your rubbish bin to remove nasty smells and eventually used as kindling in your fireplace!

Essential oils

Essential oils are another example of an effective organic cleaner with anti-bacterial properties. Rosemary, lemon, lavender and eucalyptus are all great choices and can provide a fragrant lift to fusty smelling rooms. Tea tree is famed for boosting the immune system but it can also be used as a bug repellent and a hand wash, while pine oil and cinnamon leaf can both act as a replacement for your usual mould remover or wooden floor cleaner.

Mustard powder

Far from just a tasty way to spice up a sandwich, mustard has a whole slew of benefits for our bodies and our homes. Mustard baths were regularly prescribed in the past to improve circulation, arthritis and clear up chesty coughs, and are still recommended for easing a sore throat. In powdered form mustard can be used for cleaning pots and pans; all you need to do is create a paste to lift up any debris. Other interesting uses for mustard powder include suppressing garden weeds and conditioning your hair for a sleek shine!

Olive Oil

Another non toxic cleaning agent is olive oil which can be used as a polish for both wooden furniture and stainless steel. For wooden furniture you need to mix it with lemon juice or vinegar but for stainless steel simply dab on a cloth and rub away. Olive oil can also be used for cleaning cast iron pots and pans when combined with some salt to create a thick paste and can remove paint from your hands after a spot of DIY.

Rubber gloves

The importance of protecting your hands with rubber gloves cannot be stressed enough; they play an important role in keeping your skin safe from harmful chemicals, dirt and other nasties. However, they can be useful in other ways too. If you dampen your rubber glove you can lightly glide it across upholstery to remove any surface pet hairs.


Another common household item that you'll probably have in your cupboard, salt has a variety of cleaning properties to replace your common chemical based cleaners. Salt can be used as a quick fix for spillages on carpets, soaking up moisture and lessening the damage to carpet fibres. It can be used as an odour neutraliser in bins, can add shine to copper cookware, remove grease from fabrics and when mixed with vinegar and baking soda to form a paste can blast away grease from your oven.


Your average toothpaste commonly includes compounds which make it an ideal cleaner. In the same way that your toothpaste can lift stains from your teeth it can also be used to polish chrome fixtures, piano keys, silverware and the bottom soleplates of irons. You can also use it to reduce scratches in acrylic products and linoleum. Other uses include erasing scuffs from trainers, cleaning smears on mirrors and shower doors and even removing crayon from painted walls in your child's bedroom!


Much like baking soda, vinegar is one of the most versatile cleaning agents out there. Inexpensive and non-toxic, you can use vinegar to clean almost anything. A diluted mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle can be used to clean windows, remove carpet stains, tackle toilet bowl stains, clean surfaces, shine floors, neutralise pet odours and fend off ants!


Finally, vodka (even the cheap stuff!) can be used as an effective cleaner around the home. Mixed in a spray bottle with a squirt of dish washer you can blast away weeds in your garden, remove stickers, keep your clothes smelling fresh and banish mould.

Eco-friendly options

While you can do a wide variety of your cleaning chores using the household items and natural solutions above, there may come the odd occasion where you can't find the right tool for the job. When this happens, you need to be extra vigilant to ensure you pick a product that will do the least harm possible. Warning labels on bottles are the biggest signal that a product is toxic, poisonous or an irritant. So where possible always choose a cleaning product which does not feature a warning symbol as this means it is less likely to include harmful substances. Also look out for products that are plant based, biodegradable and buy the largest containers available to reduce your carbon footprint.

Do you have any favoured cleaning products which have a minimal impact on our health and the environment? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at for more tips and advice for cleaning your home.