FAQs Can I provide feedback directly to the cleaner or should all communication go through the company?

Can I provide feedback directly to the cleaner or should all communication go through the company?

  • Customer Service
  • General
  • Last updated: 30/05/2024

If you've ever hired a professional cleaning service, you might find yourself asking: Should feedback be given directly to the cleaner or should it be communicated through the company? We'll explore this common question in the following article.

Direct Communication with the Cleaner

Providing feedback directly to your cleaner can be beneficial in some instances, especially when it pertains to simple instructions or minor adjustments to the cleaning routine. This often leads to quicker resolutions, as you can ensure your message is conveyed correctly, and it builds a better working relationship between you and the cleaner. However, remember to always maintain respect and professionalism in your conversations.

Communicating Through the Company

On the other hand, larger issues, complaints, or constructive feedback are usually better channelled through the cleaning company's management or customer service team. This way, they can document your feedback, ensure it's addressed at a higher level, and implement solutions that may involve training or changes in their service provisions. This process also helps the company maintain a standard of quality across all their cleaning staff.

Striking a Balance

Striking a balance between direct communication and channelling feedback through the company is the key to a successful relationship with your cleaning service. Depending on the nature of your feedback or the issue at hand, choose the most effective communication method to ensure your concerns are addressed properly.

Whether dealing with cleaning feedback directly or indirectly, remember that communication is the two-way street that paves the way to better service. Open and respectful channels of communication will ensure a satisfying cleanliness standard in your space.