FAQs What is the procedure if I'm not satisfied with the cleaning service provided on a particular day?

What is the procedure if I'm not satisfied with the cleaning service provided on a particular day?

  • Complaints
  • Customer Service
  • Last updated: 30/05/2024

Customer satisfaction is undoubtedly the most significant factor that contributes to the success of any cleaning service. But, what should you do when you're left unhappy with the standard of cleaning service provided? Here, we answer your question and provide a step-by-step procedure to follow if you are unsatisfied with your cleaning services.

Identifying The Problem

Firstly, assess whether the issue is a one-time event or a recurring problem. If it's the first time, it may be due to unforeseen circumstances. However, if you’re consistently not satisfied with the cleaning standards, it could signal a larger problem.

Contacting Your Time For You Cleaning Service Provider

If you're discontented with your cleaning service, it's crucial to communicate your concerns to the cleaning company. Reach out as soon as you notice an issue. Make sure to provide specific details about what was unsatisfactory so they can address the problem effectively.

Document The Issues

Take pictures and make notes of the unsatisfactory work. This evidence will be vital in discussions with your cleaning service provider, especially if the problem continues to persist.

Discuss a Resolution

Work with your provider to determine what steps can be taken to rectify the problem. This could range from asking for a re-cleaning of the areas that were not properly cleaned to asking for a discount or even terminating the contract.

Seeking Alternatives

If your provider is not addressing your concerns or the service continues to be below standard, it might be time to look for a new cleaning service provider. Explore options and read reviews to ensure you find a professional cleaning service that will meet your expectations.

Unsatisfactory cleaning services should be addressed promptly to ensure you get the level of service you deserve. Open communication with your provider plays a vital role in solving these issues and guarantees a clean and tidy space.