FAQs What is your cancellation policy?

What is your cancellation policy?

  • General
  • Terms & Condiditons
  • Last updated: 21/06/2024

Understanding the cancellation policy of a cleaning service is essential for both peace of mind and effective planning. At Time For You, we pride ourselves on being transparent and flexible, ensuring our clients are always informed about their options. Whether you're dealing with unexpected changes or simply reassessing your cleaning needs, our cancellation policy is designed to be fair and straightforward.

Cancellation Policy Details: Initial 13-Week Period

During the first 13 weeks of your contract with us, we aim to show you the high standards of our cleaning service. This introductory period allows you to experience the quality and consistency of our work.

After the Introductory Period

Once you have passed the initial 13-week period, our cancellation policy becomes a one-month notice period. This means if you wish to cancel your contract, you need to provide us with at least one month's notice.

Contacting Your Account Manager

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise. If you're experiencing any issues or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your dedicated account manager. We are here to help and ensure your experience with us remains positive and hassle-free.

Refunds and Adjustments

If there are any refunds owing due to service cancellations or adjustments, rest assured that we'll process these promptly and efficiently. Our goal is to make any transitions as smooth as possible for you.

Why We Have This Policy

Our one-month cancellation policy after the introductory period ensures we can manage our resources effectively and continue providing top-notch cleaning services to all our clients. It also gives you enough time to consider your decision and make any necessary arrangements without feeling rushed.


At Time For You, our cancellation policy is designed with your convenience in mind. With clear guidelines and a supportive team ready to assist, we strive to make your experience as seamless as possible. Should you have any questions or require further information, our account managers are always available to help.