#1 - You’re using tap water in the iron
There are lots of different myths surrounding which type of water to use in your iron.
Some advice recommends that you should only use distilled water in your iron, while other advice suggests that tap water is absolu
tely fine. The truth of the matter is that tap water is perfectly acceptable in the majority of cases BUT if you live in an area with hard water levels then you may find yourself getting through a lot of new irons. Click here to find out if you live in a hard water area.
#2 – You aren’t cleaning the condenser coils on your refrigerator
Refrigerators don’t require a massive amount of maintenance, however you should look to clean your condenser coils (found on the back of the exterior of your refrigerator) at least once every 12 months or so as they can become clogged with dust, dirt and debris from your kitchen. After switching off your appliance at the mains, you should be a
ble to give it a simple vacuum or wipe down with a cloth to keep it running efficiently.
#3 – You’re damaging your washing machine drum with heavy/metallic objects
There are a couple of things to bear in mind when filling up your washing machine. Everyone knows it’s important to empty pockets, making sure there are no coins, keys, mobile phones or biro pens inside to avoid tearing clothes or staining them with ink. However, you should also be careful to avoid putting in any items which have heavy metal buckles or other similar fastenings as they can cause damage to the drum of your washing machine. You should also try to avoid overloading your washing machine as this puts extra pressure on the individual components of your machine and shortens thei
r life.
#4 – You’re using tap water in your coffee maker
It’s not only with irons that the level of sediment in your water can cause problems. Where possible you should avoid using tap water to brew your coffee, especially if you live in a hard water area. Filtered water or bottled water makes for a tastier brew and will be less likely to leave nasty leftovers in your appliance. If you do notice a residue build-up then you can easily clean it away with a simple mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.
#5 – You aren’t cleaning your microwave
When you’re in a rush, a microwave can be a life saver, safely nuking your snack or meal to the perfect temperature. However, it’s very important to give them a regular clean. Microwaving food often results in a splattering of liquids and food particles all over the inside of your microwave. This means that it presents a real danger of cross contam
ination and catching a nasty bug. You can clean your microwave with a bowl of water and lemon juice quite easily. Simply mix up a bowl with half a cup of water and half a squeezed lemon, leaving both sides of the lemon floating in the water. Microwave the bowl of water for a few minutes, allow it to stand and cool slightly then simply wipe the microwave clean with a soft cloth.
#6 – You are lining your oven with foil
A common cleaning tip that is banded around is to use a lining of foil at the bottom of your oven to catch any drips and spills from whatever it is that you are cooking. It seems like a clever idea but you can actually cause real damage to your oven. Many of today’s modern day ovens have a heating grid underneath the bottom of the oven which means that the foil itself becomes hot causing it to melt and stick to the bottom of your oven causing sometimes irreversible damage.
#7 – You turn your toaster upside down and shake it
This popular method of cleaning your toaster can actually cause more damage than you might expect. Turning your toaster upside down and giving it a good shake doesn’t always end well and can cause burnt cru
mbs to make their way into delicate parts of your toaster becoming a fire hazard or hindering their functionality. Many of today’s toasters have solved this problem by providing a catcher which you simply slide out before throwing the crumbs in the bin.
#8 – You’re using a dirty filter on your vacuum
If you want to keep your vacuum performing well for years to come then it’s essential that you clean the filters. Leaving it too long between changing or cleaning your filter can cause dust to clog the interior parts of your vacuum which with time will disrupt its function. To clean, remove your filter and give it a gentle brush over your bin. Some types of filters can also be soaked and cleaned with water; however you should always read the instruction manual first to make sure.
#9 – You’re using extra detergent in the dishwasher
While you might be tempted to heap a few extra spoonfuls of detergent into your dishwasher to tackle tough food residue, it won’t actually make your dishes any clea
ner. In fact, you may find that it leaves a residue on your dishes meaning you have to wash them again. If you’re looking for a sparkling shine then make sure that you scrape off your plates and don’t overcrowd your racks with too many items.
#10 – You’re forgetting to give your blender a deep clean
A good blender can transform your kitchen, helping you to make smoothies, sauces and shakes. However, with heavy use it’s easy to end up with seeds and other types of residue leftover and it can be hard to clean it properly. One way to make sure your blender is spotless is to fill it with a mixture of water and a touch of dishwasher detergent, blend it lightly and then rinse it with cold or warm water.
Looking for more secrets of the cleaning trade? Visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice for cleaning your home, de-stressing after a tough day and much more.