Stress is a condition caused by an inability to cope with mental or emotional pressures. It could be work that’s getting you down, money problems or relationships. Whatever the cause, stress is a horrible condition and can affect anyone. What is often clear though is that it affects people in many different ways; from physical signs to changes in behaviour, emotional symptoms to affecting cognitive health.
Our bodies are designed to deal with and react to stress in what many call our ‘fight or flight’ response. Stress can be positive, keeping you alert and ready to avoid danger but it becomes a negative force however when you face continuous stressors without rest. This allows stress related tension to build up and consume you.
10 warning signs to looks out for
1. Are you suffering from memory problems? Or perhaps finding it hard to concentrate?
2. Have you started making poor decisions or are you questioning your judgement?
3. Are you worrying about things constantly or have anxious or racing thoughts?
4. Do you feel negative about situations, depressed or generally unhappy?
5. Are you irritable, short tempered, moody, agitated or unable to relax?
6. Do you find yourself having unusual aches and pains or frequent colds?
7. Have you noticed changes to your body such as infrequent or frequent bowel movements or a feeling of nausea?
8. Have you felt chest pain or a rapid heartbeat?
9. Are you eating too much or too little? Or have you started drinking or smoking more than usual?
10. Have you seen changes in your sleep patterns? Are you feeling constantly tired or finding it hard to sleep?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, or know someone who is showing any of these symptoms, it could be a sign stress is the caused. Many symptoms of stress are also symptoms of other medical problems, so to be on the side it is important to seek medical advice.
For information about stress and how to deal with it, there are more great resources on the Time For You blog such as our 10 Simple Strategies To Combat Stress and 5 Ways To relieve Stress In The Workplace.
Written by Mike Pye