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101 hacks to live a more sustainable life

Posted: 31/01/2018

By now, humans are aware of the negative impact that their actions can have on the environment. While big businesses and corporations can make the biggest impact, there are plenty of things that individuals can do too. Making small adjustments to our daily routines and trying to be more responsible with our choices can go a long way to helping the planet.  Here are 101 ways to lead a more sustainable life:

  1. Ditch plastic bags and carry a compressed reusable bag with you always
  2. Place a ‘no junk mail’ sticker on your letterbox to cut down on paper waste
  3. Buy in bulk or large versions of products to cut down on the packaging waste you generate
  4. Use reusable batteries that can be recharged instead of single use types
  5. Print on both sides of paper to use less ink and less paper
  6. Use soap instead of hand wash
  7. Install a programmable thermostat or a smart thermostat to allow you to better control heating in your home
  8. Learn to compost to cut down on food waste and grow a well-nourished garden
  9. Drink tap water instead of bottled water and carry a metal or BPA-free water carrier that you can fill up
  10. Turn computers and TV’s off when they aren’t in use – don’t leave them in standby
  11. Donate old clothing and purchase your new clothes from charity shops & thrift stores
  12. Buy second-hand wherever possible to cut down on packaging and landfill
  13. Buy Fair Trade products which have high standards of sustainability and fair pay
  14. Use microwaves to heat your food up whenever possible
  15. Use a low flush shower head to save water
  16. Purchase solar energy chargers to charge your phones and other accessories
  17. Place rugs in rooms for heat and comfort
  18. Investigate solar panels and possible government funding
  19. Cut down on air travel wherever possible
  20. Fix leaky taps
  21. Make your own cleaning products using vinegar or baking soda
  22. Explore ecotourism and sustainable destinations
  23. Ride a bike to work
  24. Layer up in the winter to stay warm
  25. Use Zippos instead of plastic lighters
  26. Avoid trashing unwanted clothes - donate, upcycle or sell them online instead
  27. Avoid products that use palm oil which drives deforestation
  28. Purchase unwrapped food from supermarkets
  29. Choose bamboo products like flooring and furniture (it grows quickly)
  30. Avoid tourism destinations and activities that exploit natural resources or wildlife
  31. Save wrapping paper, cards, bags, bows and ribbons from Christmas to reuse
  32. Plug your appliances into a power strip with standby that detects when they are in use
  33. Borrow or hire items that you’ll only need for a short period of time such as tools
  34. Save glass jars and reuse them to hold seeds, nuts, or other small items
  35. Learn to repair broken clothes, tools and other items, even if they are low-cost
  36. Turn lights off when you leave the room, encourage children and partners to do the same!
  37. Use soap instead of shaving cream
  38. Car share with a colleague on your daily commute
  39. Utilise the ‘half flush’ when using the toilet
  40. Install insulation in your loft to prevent heat escaping as quickly
  41. Take brisk showers and only take a bath when you really deserve it!
  42. Don’t fill the kettle right up if you don’t need to
  43. Cook food quicker by using pots on pans
  44. Write a shopping list and stick to it
  45. Purchase make up and beauty products that comes in recyclable packaging
  46. Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth to reduce water usage
  47. Don’t go food shopping on an empty stomach
  48. Purchase products and produce from local businesses to reduce transportation emissions
  49. Draught proof your doors and your letter box to keep heat in
  50. Install motion detector lights to cut down on pointless electricity usage
  51. Paint your home in bright colours and keep the curtains drawn to maximise natural light
  52. Keep doors shut in the colder months to trap in the warmth
  53. Turn down the radiator in rooms which aren’t in use
  54. Store food carefully in your fridge and freezer to last longer
  55. Install heavy curtains in your bedroom and living room for insulation
  56. Open windows in the summer instead of running a fan
  57. Use hair pomade that comes in tins instead of plastic tubs
  58. Repurpose ill-fitting clothes into cushions and towels
  59. Keep your car well serviced to make sure it is as efficient as possible
  60. Avoid baby wipes and instead use a cleanser and cloth to wipe away your make up
  61. Support manufacturers who have commitments to sustainability and the environment
  62. Plan your weekly meals to avoid buying more than you need
  63. Let your hair dry naturally instead of blow drying
  64. Only clean and wash your clothes when they need doing. Over washing contributes to energy wastage
  65. Choose hardy house and garden plants which need very little upkeep
  66. Replace your bulbs with energy efficient ones
  67. Make your own pasta sauces with a blender
  68. Purchase an eco-friendly hybrid or electronic car
  69. Roof racks can knock your fuel efficiency, only keep them on your car when you have to
  70. Write to retailers if you feel their packaging is excessive
  71. Grow your own fruit and vegetables
  72. Recycle letters and paperwork
  73. Do your laundry in cold water to save on energy. The detergent will still clean away all but the toughest of stains
  74. Check your TV settings to ensure they are on a standard display. TV stores often change the settings to make them brighter than you need at home
  75. Use vinegar to kill your weeds and pull them out yourself instead of using chemical weed killers
  76. Give up on black bin bags and clean out your bin instead. You can place baking soda in the bottom to keep it from smelling bad
  77. Water plants in the morning or evening to better nourish your plants
  78. Pack a reusable coffee cup with you to cut down on disposable ones
  79. Use leftover fruit and veg in your blender or juicer
  80. Consider making your own pet food instead of buying packaged ones
  81. Bring your own storage containers when purchasing from deli counters and salad bars
  82. Purchase shampoo bars instead of bottles of shampoo
  83. Skip Christmas cards and consider sending season’s greetings through Email or on social media
  84. Install a wood burning stove or multi-fuel stove
  85. When visiting hotels reuse your towels for as long as you can during your stay rather than allowing them to be cleaned each day
  86. Cut down on takeaways, or at least order from nearby restaurants and collect on foot
  87. Say no to plastic straws which are disposable and can badly injure wildlife
  88. Plant trees in your garden to help offset some of your carbon footprint
  89. Go ‘paperless’ at work and restrict all your communications to the electronic kind
  90. Talk to your employer about working from home to cut down on commuting emissions
  91. Next time you eat out at a restaurant ask for a doggy bag to take home leftovers
  92. Use public transport to get around when visiting a new town or city
  93. Try a meat free Monday and eat local produce to cut down on your carbon footprint
  94. Only buy fish approved by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to ensure sustainability
  95. Look out for ‘Energy Star’ ratings on appliances – don’t buy unless it’s got an A+ rating
  96. Vacuum the coils on your fridge to keep it efficient
  97. Try to air dry clothes when you can, tumble dryers use lots of energy
  98. Double glaze your windows and apply weather-proof seals to lock in heat
  99. Bring your own lunch instead of purchasing products from chilled sections in shops
  100. Install a rain water collector in your garden that you can use to water your plants
  101. Share this article with your friends and family to help them lead a greener life too!

Did you enjoy these tips? Do you have any of your own to share? Don’t forget to let us know on Facebook or Twitter if you have any of your own tips that you would like to share.