Juicing is one of the best ways to get your daily fix of fruit and vegetables and with each new recipe there is a whole new range of health benefits that comes with it. However, not all ingredients are created equally and some supplements and ‘super food’ add-ins can give you a boost that could rival any vitamin tablet. Here are six of our favourite powders and potions that will supercharge your smoothie and make you feel on top of the world.
Cacao – not to be confused with cocoa – is the purest form of chocolate that you can consume. Cacao is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, copper and zinc. In fact the levels of magnesium are among the highest in any food source. With a chocolaty taste, cacao not only makes your smoothies taste better but can also regulate your insulin, boost your cardiac health, lower your blood pressure and boost your mood. What a way to start the day!
Chia Seed
Often used to add some texture to a thin smoothie, Chia seeds thicken up when wet. High in protein and rich in trace minerals, they contain a powerful dose of essential fatty acids which are responsible for regulating blood pressure and blood viscosity as well as immune and inflammatory responses.
Flax Seed Oil
Whether in seed form or as cold-pressed oil, flaxseed is an important source of fatty acids and a powerful anti-oxidant that makes a great addition to your shakes. While research is still ongoing, flax seed has been documented to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, protect against some forms of cancer and boost cardiac health.
Hemp Seed Oil
Another good source of your protein is hemp powder or oil. Packed full of fatty acids and antioxidants hemp seeds and oils are great for cardiovascular health, skin conditions and your immune system. Due to its high protein levels a spoonful of hemp protein powder in your smoothie can work wonders after an intensive workout.
This fresh water plant is one of the most popular super foods around. Grown in fresh water it is blue - green algae that is available commercially in powdered form – perfect to add into meals or straight into your smoothie. Spirulina can be used to detox heavy meals, may help heal Candida and leaky gut syndrome, certain types of cancers and reduce cholesterol. It is also said to increase energy and promote fat burning. If you’re not sold by that then try this for size – some strains, like Spirulina Pacifica, have almost 4000% more iron than spinach in just a 3-gram serving!
Grown high up in the Andes Mountains in Peru, Maca is a leafy root plant similar to a radish or turnip. Maca has been used for over 3,000 years by locals and is said to be helpful with everything from memory and blood problems to menstrual issues and stomach cancers. Today Maca is available around the world in both tablet and powder form and is commonly used for sexual health, anti-aging properties and energy levels.
Other popular super foods include coconut oil, avocados, goji berries, flaxseed, acai, camu camu and many more. What’s your favourite super food to include in your smoothies? Let us know by tweeting us at @TimeForYouGroup or for more tips and advice visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/.