If you want to get organised and keep your house clean and tidy, follow our advice below. Stick to these rules, and they will soon become second nature.
Keep similar items together
When tidying items away, store them together with similar items. This is a logical way of organising things and making it easy to find your belongings when you need them.
Even if you are naturally disorganised, it can be easy to mask the clutter. Simply store similar items in a container, receptacle, or tray to make your home appear organised. For example, throw all your shoes in a large basket or box, and keep all remote controls on a tray.
Have a place for everything
Designate places for every item you own and ensure everything always goes back to its place as soon as you are finished using it. This way you are unlikely to misplace anything as it will always be where it should, so losing your keys, glasses, and wallet will be a thing of the past.
Only have one junk drawer
It is common to have a junk drawer, but if the junk is spreading into several drawers or cupboards or containers or areas, then you need to review what is in these.
Sort as many items into proper storage as possible, and condense the items that are necessary yet difficult to categorise into a designated place into just one drawer. Once the drawer becomes full, review what is in there and get rid of any non-essential or unwanted items.
Think before you buy
Stop making impulse purchases. Buying things for your home without giving it much consideration can lead to clutter. If you do not know where it will go or what use it will have before you buy it then it may be best to leave it.
One in, one out
Try to stick to the one in, one out rule, whereby when you buy a new item, you donate something similar that you already own.
For example, if you buy a new shirt, and you already have one that is similar or a shirt you do not wear, donate the old one. The same applies for anything you bring into the home, such as an item of clothing, a new toy, or a new book.
Get rid of unnecessary items
Have a shopping bag or small basket in the house to put items in that you no longer want or need. If you end up missing or needing an item that is in there, take it out. Donate everything that is left in it, either once it is full or at the end of each month.
Make use of hooks
Hooks are great for utilising space for additional storage. Put hooks on the backs of doors and on walls. Rather than throwing your jackets, coats, dressing gown, bags and scarves on the floor, bannister, or a chair, get in the habit of hanging them up on designated hooks.
Put away your clothes
Stop throwing your clothes on the floor or chair, on top of your drawers, or anywhere else they should not be. Put them neatly away in your drawers or wardrobe, or put them in the laundry basket, as soon as you take them off or after they have been washed.
Stick to a routine
Setting a daily routine for organising your home will help you to keep on top of it. If you are an early bird, you might want to get things done in the morning or after breakfast. If you are a night owl, you may prefer to organise after work or before bed.
If you do not have the time or supplies to keep on top of your cleaning, or would simply prefer to leave it to the professionals and spend your time relaxing or doing other activities, you may want to consider hiring a cleaner to take care of the cleaning for you.
Time For You specialises in providing properly screened and vetted domestic cleaners to private households to provide you, our client, with more time for you. Find a cleaner near you by simply entering your postcode, and let us take care of the cleaning, so you do not have to.
Time For You is the premier international house cleaning service company with hundreds of local business owners which clean tens of thousands of homes around the world every week.