Who knew! There are lots of items in our house that have additional uses. Let’s take a look at some of them:
· Rubbing chalk on collar stains absorbs the oil and makes the stain easier to clean.
· Chalk in cheesecloth can prevent tarnishing silverware by absorbing the moisture.
· Chalk wards off ants – chalk contains calcium carbonate which ants don’t like, so draw a chalk line around ants’ entry points into the house.
Wax paper
· Add a sheet of wax paper between stacked pans to prevent rust.
· Shine up taps after cleaning to prevent water spots and finger prints.
· Clean can openers by running the wax paper through the gears so that they run smoothly.
· Add wax paper between wet pages of a book to make it as good as new once dry.
· Pour vinegar in the cracks between bricks and patio flagstones to prevent weeds; the acidity can kill off weeds in one dousing.
· Freshen up wilted leaf vegetables by soaking them in two cups of cold water mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar, leave for 10 minutes, rinse, dry and serve.
· Prevent mouldy hard cheese by wrapping a vinegar-soaked cloth in vinegar around it and sealing in an airtight container. The vinegar prevents mould spores.
· Remove dirt from spinach and green leaves by swirling them around a bowl of salty water.
· Clean greasy pans by shaking some salt into them – the salt absorbs the grease.
· Remove burnt spots from the bottom of your iron by sprinkling salt on brown paper and running the hot iron over it.
Petroleum jelly (Vaseline™)
· Rub petroleum jelly into pets paw to
soothe dryness and cracked pads.
· Dab around your nails to neaten your nail polish application, if you make a mistake the polish will easily wipe away.
· Dab some around light bulb threads when putting a new light bulb in, this will prevent dirt and dust and be easier to remove without sticking.
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