Think about the dirtiest places in your home. You might think of the toilet, bins and other obvious choices. Although these are all culprits, there are other places in the home which are a breeding ground for germs. It is these, sometimes overlooked places that are easy to forget to clean but should definitely become staple cleaning jobs.
Surprisingly, it is actually some of the items that are handled on a daily basis that are in fact the dirtiest in the home, even if they don’t look at all filthy.
Here we discuss the dirtiest places in your home which you probably do not clean regularly- but you should!
Door Handles & Light Switches
Germs are easily transferred from hands to surfaces. Door handles and light switches are often places people forget to clean. However, when you consider how many people touch these places on a regular basis, it’s definitely something that should be cleaned regularly. Simply wipe down the door handles with disinfecting wipes. This also includes the fridge and freezer door handles as these can regularly be overlooked.
Carpets & Rugs
With people and pets walking on rugs and carpets daily, these are definitely some of the dirtiest places in your home. When you come home from dog walks, for example, consider the grime that can be brought into the home.
On a regular basis, wash your rugs to avoid grime building up. Grime, dust, hair, food and even skin particles can easily build up in the fibres of the carpet. Vacuum at least on a weekly basis and follow with a carpet sanitising product. Try to have the carpet steam cleaned annually as well for a deeper clean.
Fridge / Freezer
Crumbs and remnants of food are left in the fridge and freezer, so it's necessary to clean these on a regular basis. Remove everything from the fridge every month and wipe it down using a mixture of warm water and vinegar. Always remember to clean the fruit and veg drawers and the shelves as well.
Cutlery Drawers
Crumbs can often be found in the corners of a cutlery drawer. Soak in warm soapy water or you can place it in the dishwasher.
Kitchen Sink
It is not surprising that the kitchen sink is often one of the dirtiest places in the home. It is where we wash dirty dishes and also where we prep raw chicken, so it is vital that it is cleaned regularly to avoid it becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.
If you neglect to clean the sink regularly, it can even lead to food poisoning.
Kitchen Sponge
Linking to the kitchen sink, it is the kitchen sponge that is the dirtiest single item in many people’s homes. Each day place the kitchen sponge in the dishwasher. Alternatively, place the sponge into the microwave for two minutes. Replace the sponge every two weeks maximum. Try not to use the sponge to clean your countertops. Instead, use different cloths to avoid spreading bacteria. Also, ensure you clean any kitchen towels regularly.
Oven Hood
The oven hood is regularly forgotten about but can build up grime quickly. Over time, you will find a greasy layer of dust which many people do not clean regularly even though cleaning an oven hood is relatively easy. Wipe the hood often and remove the filters, then leave to soak in warm soapy water before air-drying and placing back.
Despite bathtubs being a place you go to get clean, it can be one of the dirtiest places in the house. This is mainly because of the humidity of bathrooms providing a breeding ground for bacteria. Use bleach spray to wash the bath regularly to keep on top of this.
Toothbrush Holder
Regularly disinfectant your toothbrush holder and other bathroom items by using a disinfectant wipe or washing with warm soapy water or warm water and vinegar. Toothbrush holders and soap dispensers are dishwasher safe.
Change your bath towels weekly and avoid leaving them damp for more than twenty-minutes. It is better to hang a towel on a wall-mounted towel rail as opposed to a hook on the back of the door as it aids the drying process. Place them on a hot wash after you have used the same towel three or four times.
Makeup Bag
The inside of a makeup bag can gather a lot of germs. It is best to change your makeup (especially eye makeup) every six-months and clean makeup brushes regularly to reduce the risk of skin or eye infection. Always keep your makeup and brushes in a clean dry space and at room temperature. Therefore, it is a good idea to avoid leaving makeup brushes in the bathroom where the humidity is higher.
Wash the makeup brushes every week if possible simply by using a mixture of warm water and a drop of shampoo or soap.
Remote Controls and other electrical items
Like remote controls, computer keyboards, game controllers and mobile phones get used on a regular if not daily basis, they are definitely high on the list of dirtiest places in the home. Use disinfectant wipes regularly to clean these items, ensuring the wipes are suitable for electronic items.
Pet Food Bowls
You need to wash pet food bowls daily by using warm soapy water. You can also place them in the dishwasher.
Pet Toys
Your pet’s toys also need to be washed regularly as they can carry potentially harmful bacteria that can lead to your pet getting ill. Clean hard pet toys with hot soapy water. You can place the soft toys in the washing machine and this should be done about once a month.
Pet Bedding
People change their own bedding on a regular basis and pet’s bedding should be no difference. Remove the pet bed cover and place in the washing machine regularly. If the cover cannot be removed, use a disinfectant spray, checking that it is safe to use on pet products before applying.
When was the last time you cleaned the items we have discussed? If the answer is not often, then maybe you should start including them on your regular cleaning list. A lot of these items are easy to clean and can help keep your house as clean as possible. Obviously, it is important to remember that some germs are good and that it is unrealistic to keep homes spotless. However, ensuring you are aware of the dirtiest places in your home means that you can start prioritizing them so you don’t forget in the future.
No matter how well or how much we clean, our homes are always full of bacteria and germs. Many of these particles are invisible so it is difficult to know where in your home is dirtiest. Most germs are harmless to us, however, if we continue to neglect the cleaning of some of these places, you could end up with bacteria and germs spreading that can lead to illness.