No one wants their home to smell like a farm yard but removing the odour of our beloved pets is a lot harder than it sounds. Whether it’s the smell of cat urine, a litter box or a persistent odour of wet dog we have a trick that works.
It’s hailed as somewhat of a ‘miracle’ cleaner and indeed vinegar can solve many problems around the house. It’s used for purposes as varied as shining floors, cleaning windows, removing stains and killing weeds. But what you might not know is that it can also be an effective tool in dealing with pet smells.
Whether you’re moving in to a new home that smells of cats and dogs or you’re just wanting your home to smell a little fresher then you can use a solution of vinegar to get the job done. Simply mix together a solution of white vinegar and warm water (2:1) and start spraying the affected areas. For most people this will generally be furniture and floorboards, material items such as curtains and carpets and skirting boards.
Another technique that is popular among pet owners is to leave a bowl of vinegar in the corner of a particularly smelly room overnight. This should neutralise any bad odours and leave a balanced smell come the morning time.
This also teaches your animal some good habits. Animals will tend to target the same areas over and over again as they can smell their odour there. But, by neutralising the smell you reduce the chances of your pet repeat offending.
White vinegar is cheap and easy to find - you should be able to get it from any good supermarket. What’s more you don’t have to worry about risking your pet’s health with nasty chemicals either as it's completely natural and safe.
Do you have any unusual home cleaning techniques that save you money and time? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice for cleaning your home.