We are continuing to work safely and in line with current Government guidance.
There are currently no restrictions in place, Nationally or at Local level that restrict cleaning services within private households.
Time For You remains committed to providing it’s services and cleaners to households in a safe manner and with effective guidance to help ensure the health and safety of its clients and cleaners.
Please see the links below to the advice for all the Nations of the UK
For England
From the 5th January, England will enter a national lockdown across the country and some businesses will be forced to close. The government has issued advice on the matter and made it clear that where you cannot work from home, including work in other peoples homes you will still be permitted to work as long as the government guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed.
'Where it is necessary for you to work in other people’s homes - for example, for nannies, cleaners or tradespeople - you can do so.
Source: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home#going-to-work
For Scotland
The Scottish Government has moved the country from Level 4 restrictions into a Temporary Lockdown and this comes into effect on the 5th January. As with the Level 4 restrictions, Tradespeople must only enter homes to carry out work if that work is deemed essential ('to carry out repairs and maintenance that would otherwise threaten the household’s health and safety').
Please See: https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/
For Wales
Wales has Level 4 restrictions in place across the country. The Welsh government has stated that tradespeople are still permitted to work inside homes, which includes domestic cleaners - as long as the work is managed in a safe way and both the cleaner and household members are well and have no symptoms of coronavirus.
Please see: https://gov.wales/visiting-people-private-homes-alert-level-4
For Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is currently in a 6 week lockdown period that started effective of 26th December 2020.
The government has not made any changes regarding work being carried out within homes (other than close contact services). Domestic cleaners are still permitted in homes - as long as the government guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed.
'Unless they are specifically required to close under the regulations, workers, builders, tradespeople and other professionals can continue to go into people’s houses to carry out work such as repairs, installations and deliveries.'
Please See: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-regulations-guidance-what-restrictions-mean-you
What Are We Doing?
Earlier in the year we issued our ‘StaySafe In Homes’ guidance, we would ask all our existing and new clients and cleaners to adhere to when cleaning services are taking place. These are some simple guidelines to ensure that every possible care is taken and to minimise the risk to our clients and our cleaners and that services can continue.
Households or Individuals That Are Self-Isolating
Under no circumstances should any work be carried out in a home where people are self-isolating or showing any Coronavirus like symptoms.
Social Distancing
We advise that social distancing must be maintained when working in properties and to stay in separate rooms where possible.
Face Coverings
Face covering in homes are not mandatory, however where social distancing is an issue it is recommended. In most cases this is down to personal preference of our clients and/or cleaners.
Hand Washing
It is recommended that cleaners wash (or hand sanitise) their hands on arrival and at regular intervals throughout the time that they are working in homes.
The Home, Equipment & Products
To reduce the risk of cross-contamination, we ask that all products are supplied by and kept by the householders and recommend the supply of anti-bacterial and disinfectant products where possible. That all re-usable items such as cloths are cleaned at high temperatures or with anti-bacterial products where possible. Any disposable items should be disposed of correctly and in leak proof bags. Areas in the home where cleaning is being undertaken are to be kept well ventilated
Where possible it is recommended that all communication, entry and payments are made on a non-contact basis.
For this and more information on our ‘StaySafe In Homes’ Guidance please see the link here: https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/articles/post/staysafe-in-homes