We have all heard of the term "Spring Clean", but why should we limit it to one season a year? Studies have suggested that deep cleans should take place twice a year. Once in Spring and once in Autumn. Doing so is meant to help provide a healthier Winter. Here is our guide to an Autumn deep clean and some tips to help you get started.
Autumn is a great time to give your home a deep clean as temperatures are about to drop, windows will stay closed and the heating will start to be switched on. All of these factors combined mean your home will soon have the perfect conditions for carpets to harbour dirt and germs. Therefore, it is important to reduce the number of germs in advance by ensuring you start the season with a clean home.
Declutter cupboards
It can be surprising how quickly clutter can build up in your cupboards. This task can be labour intensive and is something many people put off until Spring but try and do this in Autumn as well. Although we are almost all guilty of storing items we no longer need, you will feel much better once this task is completed.
Decluttering your cupboards can help save valuable storage space and also help find new homes for your unwanted items. Start by removing all the items first and then go through the items individually. Do you really need them? When was the last time you used them? Are they just sat there gathering dust?
When tidying your clothes use this opportunity to switch from your Spring Summer wardrobe to your Autumn Winter clothing. Separate any items that are old or no longer fit and donate what you can.
Once you have decided what you want to get rid of, organise them to be donated or rehomed to friends and family. Only throw away items as a last resort to reduce waste.
Clean furniture
We tend to vacuum regularly, however, how often do you vacuum behind and underneath the furniture? Probably not as often as you should. Use this deep clean as an opportunity to do this. Move the sofa, wardrobes, and drawers away from the wall and vacuum up. You will probably be shocked at how much grime can build up in these places.
Removing all the dust can significantly reduce the number of allergens and leave you with cleaner air.
Remove cobwebs
Although cobwebs are inevitable during the Autumn months themselves, remove as many as you can as and when you see them. If the Summer has been warm and damp, this provides the perfect environment for spiders to breed. Removing them can help you keep these unwelcome guests to a minimum. Buying an extendable duster can help make this task a lot simpler.
Defrost the freezer
To help keep your freezer working at its best you need to maintain it. Defrosting your freezer is one task that you should not forget to do. Over time, if ignored the freezer will build up with ice, leaving you less room to actually store items.
Clean curtains and bedding
Although we change our bedding regularly, we don’t clean it often. However, your mattress and the bedding itself should not be ignored. A steam cleaner is a great tool to use as it kills 99% of germs and dirt. The steam cleaning is also perfect for giving your upholstery and curtains a refresh too. Although you will have to buy a steam cleaner it is a worthwhile investment.
Test alarms
With temperatures about to plummet, our fire, log burners, and central heating will be in full swing. Before the fires are lit ensure your chimney is clear and both smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are tested to give you peace of mind.
If you have a chimney it must be checked for excess dirt, debris, or even bird nests.
Clean your light fittings
As the evenings get darker earlier and we need the lights on during the day, the beginning of Autumn is the perfect time to give your lights a clean. This also includes any lamps you may have. They can quickly get covered with dust which can end up making your lights dull. Having strong, bright lights are vital for the dark cold months so ensure they are dirt-free before Autumn arrives.
Consider switching to LED lights if you have rooms that could do with brightening up. This can make a huge difference during Autumn and Winter. They can also save you money in the long term and can be more environmentally friendly. During the deep clean is the perfect time to make changes like this.
Stock up on food and supplies
Whilst cleaning your kitchen make a note of any key ingredients you think you will need regularly during Autumn and Winter. We tend to prefer comforting warm meals such as casseroles and desserts during these seasons. Therefore check to see if you need any spices, herbs, pasta, rice, baking ingredients, etc so that you have everything at hand when you need it. Throw away any food items that are out of date as well.
Whilst you are doing a stock take, also ensure your medical kit is fully stocked in case of emergencies. It's always a good idea to check this regularly but it is often forgotten.
Put away patio furniture
Unfortunately, the long sunny evenings spent in the garden will soon be over so it is time to put away your garden furniture. If you don’t have anywhere to store them like a garage, buy special waterproof covers. Also, ensure your BBQ and any exposed gardening equipment are placed in a safe, dry place as well.
Check ventilation
Homes can become humid quickly which can cause mould and mildew growth. Before the cold weather kicks in check your ventilation is sufficient. The bathroom and kitchen are the areas to focus on as they are the most humid spots of your home.
Clean the inside of your car
Don’t just think about your house. Consider your car as well. Whilst the weather is still warm and dry, use this as your last chance to do a deep clean of your car’s interior before winter. Once you’ve done it, it will last you through the cold months. Ensure you use this as an opportunity to check you have de-icing equipment in the car ready for when the frost arrives.
Why is an Autumn deep clean important?
• Because of the lack of ventilation and warm moist air mainly caused by washing and drying your clothes indoors, your house can soon become the ideal environment for germs to spread. Having your central heating on and windows closed is great for keeping the heat in but also can cause dust, bacteria, and mould to duplicate. When the days are not as cold try and open your windows as much as possible during Autumn and even Winter if possible. Any ventilation is better than none.
• With cold and flu season happening during these months, it is great to use your deep clean to start the season as germ-free as possible. Then keep on top of the germs with regular cleans where antibacterial cleaners are used. Prioritise areas that people come into contact with regularly, especially children.
• Can help allergy sufferers - people who suffer from allergies will immediately reap the benefits of an Autumn deep clean. Focusing on cleaning items you normal neglect such as your bedding and upholstery will help avoid allergy flare-ups as regularly.
Although deep cleans can take some time and can be a daunting task you will definitely see the benefits and know that your house will be cleaner and healthier during the winter months. Breaking the task up into smaller chunks will make the task more manageable. However, once it has been completed you can sit back and relax until Spring rolls around.