You can never have too much storage in your home. Whether your house is large or small, it is great to be able to have the space to put everything you want away when necessary. However, sometimes it can be a struggle to find sufficient storage. Here are just a few ways you can find extra storage space when you need to.
1. Using hooks on cupboard doors
Many of us don’t take advantage of the space that is available to us on the inside of our kitchen cupboards. You can easily place adhesive hooks on the inside of your cupboards and use them to hang tea towels, oven gloves and kitchen utensils, keeping them off the counter tops and oven handles.
2. Under the sink storage
Use adhesive hooks on the inside of the cupboard to hang a small caddy in which you can keep cleaning supplies in or hang cloths. Also, by using small baskets to keep your cleaning supplies in, it will help you find things more quickly and keep things tidier as you won’t have to keep searching for things right at the back of the cupboard. You will also keep track of what is in the cupboard by using this method.
3. Christmas lights storage
Christmas lights are notoriously annoying to put away. Cut a rectangle or square of cardboard and wrap the fairy lights around this. Not only will it be easy to store, it will mean the lights won’t be tangled next Christmas.
4. Bedding Storage
Keep matching sets of bedding together by placing the duvet cover and one pillowcase folded inside the other pillowcase. Not only does this save a surprising amount of space, it keeps everything looking tidy and makes it easy to find the whole set when you need to change the bedding.
5. Bed storage
Under the bed is a go to place for many when they need extra storage. However, now there are many options to choose from. Built in storage can be accessed through drawers or by lifting up the mattress. You can also get headboards with built in shelves down the side which could be a great space saver.
6. Magazine holder storage
If you attach a metal or plastic magazine holder to the inside of a cupboard, it’s a great place to store tin foil, cling film, bin bags and sandwich bags which are sometimes annoying to store neatly.
7. Use picture ledges
Instead of a large shelf, using a picture ledge can still allow you to place photos, small plants and candles etc on without taking up a lot of space. They are great for small rooms and can also be placed next to your bed and be used to charge your phone on or put your glasses on if you don’t have space for a bedside table.
8. Use your radiator for shelf space
Having a radiator cover or a shelf above the radiator provides additional storage and display space which is usually an otherwise unused area of the home.
9. Maximise drawer space with dividers
The use of drawer dividers means you can easily split the drawer into different sections, meaning you can make the most of the space. Also, by using folding methods made popular by people like Marie Kondo, you can make your drawers tidier but also see and access all your clothes at once, rather than having to rummage through the drawers to find something you have placed at the bottom.
10. Vacuum storage bags
Vacuum sealed storage bags are now widely available and are great for storing things like clothes and bedding that you don’t need. Place your summer wardrobe in them during the winter months and you can easily store them away until they are next needed. They also come in a range of sizes to suit your needs. Simply place the items in, place your vacuum onto the attachment and the air will be sucked out of the bag, reducing its size significantly.
Let us know if you have any other amazing storage solutions by connecting with us on social media @TimeForYouGroup
Time For You are the premier international house cleaning service company with hundreds of local business owners across the UK, Australia and Canada. Time For You are currently cleaning tens of thousands of homes across the world on a weekly basis.