Breakfast is the most commonly skipped meal of the day – however it’s also often called the most important. As your body spends all night fasting without food, it’s absolutely essential to find time to eat something nutritious come the morning.
Studies show that breakfast improves concentration and memory as well as cognitive function and general long term health, helping to reduce high blood pressure and obesity. However, not everyone has time to get a good hearty breakfast in the morning. You may have a long commute; have to manage the school run or perhaps just like an extra 20 minutes in bed – in which case you should look for an alternative way of getting your morning fix of the good stuff. Energy juices and shakes are a fantastic way to set you up for the day and can be made the night before, or even earlier in a big batch to last you the week. Here are a few of our favourite recipes to get you started.
Pineapple, apple, turmeric & ginger
1 diced cup of pineapple a teaspoon of turmeric, grated ginger and a teaspoon of black pepper which helps your body to absorb the curcumin found in turmeric. Curucmin has been shown to boost the immune system and be beneficial in helping reduce inflammation such as with irritable bowel disorder, psoriasis, arthritis and other similar health problems.
Beetroot, apple & ginger
All the best morning juices are brightly coloured. None is more vibrant than this beetroot smoothie. Beetroot has a very distinct taste and will really awaken your taste buds first thing in the morning with its zingy kick – especially with some added ginger. Beetroot is full of folic acid which is a powerful anti-oxidant while apples give you some much needed fibre.
Coconut, kale and ginger
Another popular morning energy smoothie is that of coconut and kale. Kale is one of the best sources of protein around while coconut water has a uniquely refreshing taste that gives you a fantastic morning boost. Once again ginger can be added to give the smoothie more of a ‘zing’ but it also has some good health benefits such as easing upset stomachs and promoting digestive wellness.
Kale, apple, cucumber, lemon and ginger
If you’re looking to get your fix of greens then this is the smoothie to start your day. Kale is low calorie, high fibre and packed with nutrients, vitamins and magnesium. Cucumber is equally impressive with potassium, molybdenum, magnesium and silica. Lemons are filled with vitamin C, B6, A and Vitamin E, while ginger aids digestion and improves flavour.
Try introducing these juices into your daily diet and observe how they improve your energy levels. For further recipes take a look on websites like Pinterest and be sure to tweet us @TimeForYouGroup to let us know which one’s you’ve enjoyed the most.