Do you love Mrs Hinch, the cleaning influencer and best-selling author? We do! The former hairdresser from Essex, also known as Sophie Hinchliffe, has gathered a huge fan base - the ‘Hinch Army’ - and she does make housework appealing. Affectionately calling her cleaning cloths and vacuum cleaner by their pet names, Mrs Hinch tackles her daily cleaning tasks with such warmth and sparkle, it’s hard not to be drawn in.
Kitchen sink shining
Despite her cheery openness and easy-to-follow cleaning tips, it’s a fact that shining the kitchen sink might not soothe everybody’s soul! In her fabulous best-selling book, Hinch Yourself Happy, Mrs Hinch talks frankly about how cleaning is a way of calming her own anxiety. But this might not be a solution for all. It could be that the thought of cleaning the kitchen sink will only add to your stress levels! While this is not the intention of the book, as it is packed full of useful cleaning tips and guidance, it can leave those whose natural skills might not be cleaning/housework feeling a little inadequate…
Domestic Goddess Syndrome
Following Mrs Hinch and other domestic goddesses, such as Nigella Lawson, can make us feel not quite up to scratch on the old house and kitchen front! What if you feel that you’re not as good as these women or, more importantly, doing these tasks doesn’t spark your joy, like it does for Marie Kondo?! Or what if you’re just too busy juggling work and life?
Not having the time to keep your house fully Hinched, or Kondoed, can make us feel sad because it’s true what these ‘queens of clean’ say: a clean and organised home does make us feel happier and calmer, somehow. It can just be a lot of pressure to have to do it ourselves.
Soul soothers
Housework and cleaning might not be the way in which you wish to soothe your soul. After working hard all week and juggling the family, picking up a Minky cloth and the Zoflora is not for all of us! While we can all benefit from Mrs Hinch’s fantastic tips and guidance, in terms of getting organised, putting it into practice might be another matter!
What to do?
So, you’ve read the book and are a signed-up member of the ‘Hinch Army’. You know that you want a lovely clean and organised home, which is a sanctuary after a hard week. You just don’t want to don the camo fatigues and grease the weapons yourself! Our advice? Get a cleaner! Use the knowledge gleaned from these cleaning bibles (they’re lovely and relaxing reads to have on your bedside table) and use it as a ‘manifesto’ on how you want your house to be. This will allow you to give clear direction to your cleaner for the sparkling home you want.