It’s easy for your gadgets to accumulate grease and dirt over time, but while we want to keep them clean we also worry about breaking them. Here are some safe ways to clean your electronics.
Mobile phones
Dust, food, coffee and muck don’t only make things look dirty, but they can also affect how they perform. Take mobile phones. One of the most common reasons for headphone problems is actually a build up of ‘pocket fluff’ inside the jack socket. This build up comes from carrying your phone in your pocket allowing fluff to make its way inside. 99% of the time this can treated with a can of compressed air. Power down your phone and pump the can inside the jack socket to clear it.
Phones get greasy from our fingerprints, food and other grime. For general cleaning just take a microfiber cloth and wipe the front, back and screen of your phone, being careful not to apply too much pressure. Most screens are quite sensitive and you can cause a lot of damage by pressing too hard.
Laptops and computers
It's good practice to give your PC a regular internal clean by deleting old files and programmes, but you should remember to pay attention to the exterior too.
If you work in an office or spend plenty of time at your computer then it’s likely that you’ll have accumulated lots of debris in and around your device.
Keyboards are often the biggest culprits and if you have a stand-alone keyboard you’ll find plenty of lint inside. To get started
cleaning your keyboard simply turn it upside and lightly tap on the back. This should help to dislodge a fair amount of the lint. Next you can use a cotton bud to clean between the keys and a cloth to wipe away any dust found elsewhere.
Where possible you should avoid using any liquid to clean, especially if you have an LCD monitor which can be easily damaged by moisture. Your best bet here is a microfiber cloth.
TV’s can also be sensitive to liquid so be careful about using any harsh chemicals or anything abrasive on the screen. Again a microfiber cloth is your best friend. For particularly stubborn smudges and fingerprints you can lightly dampen your cloth and rub, allowing it to dry before you switch it back on.
Do you have any unusual home cleaning techniques that save you money and time? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice for cleaning your home.