Cleaning your bathroom has to be one of the most dreaded household chores! In houses with lots of people mess can build up quickly which is why you need to not only clean your bathroom when it gets dirty but also maintain it. Here we will recommend a few ways that you can keep a clean and fresh bathroom.
Keep good habits to reduce your workload
Keeping good daily cleaning habits can help you to feel less overwhelmed when you do your larger but less frequent cleans. Try and encourage your family to follow these rules:
- Every item in your bathroom has a home where it lives, so always put everything you use back afterwards. If it doesn’t have a cupboard, a shelf, or an area it is kept then it doesn’t belong there!
- Put your dirty clothes in the wash basket and hang up your towels
- Condensation causes mould and mildew, so keep a window open or switch on a fan when you shower
- If you make a mess in the sink then wipe it up and clean it away
- When a bottle or tube of a product becomes empty, throw it in the bin!
- If you make a bad smell then open the window and spray air freshener
Stock up when you do your big shop
Another good habit is to stock up on the essential cleaning products – the ones you never think you’ll need but always do. Bleach, rubber gloves, multi surface cleaners and bin bags should be always be regulars on your shopping list. Descalers, toilet rim brushes, air freshener and mould remover provide extra muscle for a dazzling clean.
Manage your weekly clean
One day a week you should aim to have a ‘big’ bathroom clean where you really go to town on obliterating the mess and muck.
Step 1 - First of all make sure that you have all the supplies that you think you’ll need ready and prepared, as this will save you time going back and forth
Step 2 – Next do a quick tidy, scanning the room for any obvious offenders. Toss out empty toothpaste tubes, toilet roll holders and newspapers with bin waste.
Step 3 – Gather up any unclean towels, flannels and clothes lying around for the washing machine, this will free up space to continue your deep clean
Step 4 – All purpose cleaner is a life saver. For big features like the shower, sink and bath tub use a 3-step method of spray, rinse, wipe and repeat until you’ve removed all the grime you can.
Step 5 - The next biggest offender is your toilet. Begin by giving it a flush, then apply some bleach around the edge of your toilet bowl and scrub down with your brush. Next flush your toilet and begin wiping down the seat and sides with disinfectant wipes.
Step 6 – To clean mirrors and windows spray glass cleaner or a solution of one part vinegar and four parts water on to a cloth. Wipe down the window with a circular motion. For any grime in tough to reach corners use swabs or old toothbrushes.
Step 7 – Finally do a quick disinfectant wipe of any remaining fixtures and fittings like light switches or towel rack. Don’t forget to give your floor a wipe down and vacuum for the perfect finish.
Do you have any unusual home cleaning techniques that save you money and time? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice for cleaning your home.