It’s a well known fact that Brits love to BBQ. Here, the beginnings of summer are always marked by the smell of sizzling sausages on back garden grills. However, when the sun comes out to play, it’s important that your BBQ and all the associated utensils are good to go after months of neglect.
The first thing to remember is that you can make the job of cleaning your barbecue far easier if you keep good habits. By giving it a good scrub after you use it you can significantly reduce the amount of time spent tackling tough residues and slimy build ups of grease.
However, you don’t want to burn yourself, so make sure you let your BBQ cool down for at least 45 minutes before you begin cleaning and this goes for both the grill and the appliance itself.
Cleaning your grill
To get started mix together a solution of soapy water (washing up liquid is fine) and use a spray bottle to cover your BBQ grill.
While you wait, start on your utensils. You should be able to clean most of them in a dishwasher, except larger ones which may need to be left to soak and scrubbed with a steel wire scrub.
Next, come back to your grill and begin brushing it clean with your steel wire scrub. This should help remove the most stubborn bits of charcoal and cremated burger. Finally give it a quick wash and rinse with a sponge and then allow it to dry.
Cleaning your appliance
The cleaning of your BBQ appliance may differ depending on whether you have a gas or a charcoal BBQ.
If you have a gas BBQ then your life is made simple as you don’t have to clean away any soot, ash or leftover charcoal and you can use the burners to blast away any remaining food residue.
Once you allow it to cool down again simply use a wire brush and your soapy solution to tackle any last remnants of grease and allow it to dry.
With coal based BBQ’s you need to begin by removing the coals once they have cooled, and by throwing any debris into a rubbish bag. Next, grab your soapy solution and dish it out over your BBQ, rinse with water and clean away with a sponge or steel wire brush for tougher debris.
Storing your BBQ
British weather is always unpredictable so you might find yourself having barbecues as late as the end of September, but once grilling season comes to a close it’s important to find somewhere safe to store your BBQ away from the elements. Leaving it outside can expose it to rust and other problems which might cost you money in repairs or replacements.
For more handy cleaning tips please visit https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/.