Some people out there really enjoy the activity of weeding; they may even find it actually relaxes them and they relish the opportunity. But this blog is not for those people. No, this blog is for the people who can’t stand the idea of spending what little free time they have panting and sweating and trying to pull up a stubborn weed from beneath their carefully planted Geraniums.
Little and often
Rather than going gung-ho on your garden and enduring a mammoth session of weeding once a month, you should try to do some light weeding every couple of days. This will ensure that your garden stays beautiful but will also help you avoid a visit to the chiropractor.
Plant in raised beds
Planting in raise beds simply makes it difficult for weeds to worm their way in amongst your plants and steal away all those good nutrients meant for your plants or vegetable patch. Seeds from weeds can lie dormant for up to 30 years before they germinate but by using a raised bed you can control it to a degree. By using a raised bed you can fill the frame only with compost and soil which are free of weeds and even if any are spread through the wind you should find that it is much easier to bring them up and remove them.
Square foot planting
Square foot planting involves planting all of your plants close together so that there simply isn’t much room for weeds to grow. Even if they do worm their way in then the fact that you’ve square foot planted will make the job of removing them much easier as they’ll be concentrated together rather than spread out all over the garden.
Root them out when they are young
One of the worst mistakes you can make regarding weeding is to give them time to grow. You might spot a weed and initially think it might not be much of a problem but the longer you leave it the longer the weeds will grow and the harder it will be for you to rip up.
Weed after it rains
Always use rainfall to your advantage. You’ll find that it is 10x easier to bring up weeds when the soil is moist – the roots just seem to lose some of their grip and slide out much easier. So try and time your weeding within 48 hours of a good rain fall. If you think rain is unlikely then simply do the rounds with your watering can and then go back and weed a couple of hours later for the same result.
Organic weed killer
One final tip for any extra stubborn weeds that crop up is to blast them away with our special homemade weed killer recipe. It’s too strong for weeds in soil but perfect for those weeds that tend to crop up in cracks in the concrete. Mix together a dose of white vinegar, salt, lemon juice and a tablespoon of dish soap. Now wait for a sunny day (without much wind!) and spray on those pesky plants. You’ll find that in 2-3 days those difficult weeds will be completely obliterated!
Do you enjoy gardening? Do you have any special tips on weeding or creating a garden sanctuary? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice.