The government has announced strict new measures and restrictions on the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
We contacted all clients and unfortunately there has to be a full suspension of services.
We urge you to adhere to the guidelines and want to provide you with some information in regards to the support you can receive.
We really appreciate everything you have done and your safety is the number 1 concern for us.
In line with Government & NHS advice and in order to stop the spread of Covid-19. It is not recommended that you attend clients houses until the restrictions are lifted.
GOVERNMENT: Please see the official Government Advice page for information on the restrictions:
NHS: If you feel unwell or are showing symptoms of Covid-19 or need any advice see the NHS website:
We have collated some of the help & advice that is available at the moment. There are a number of assistance packages and support available to individuals during the COVID-19 crisis.
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income.
You may be able to claim the ‘New Style’ Employment & Support allowance with, or instead of Universal Credit
Tax Deferral
Any self-assessment tax due in July 2020 has been deferred to January 2021 automatically
The Money Advice Service website has a comprehensive list of all your rights and assistance available.
The Citizens Advice Bureau website also contains lot’s of information about help and support you can receive.
Clients Through Time For You
We are keeping in regular contact with clients during this time.
We will also work to ensure as many cleans are restarted as soon as the Government restrictions are lifted
We hope you find this information helpful, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced the government will pay self-employed people a taxable grant based on their previous earnings over the last three years, worth up to 80% of earnings, and capped at £2,500 a month. This should cover up to 95% of the five million self-employed people in the UK, earning an average of £781 a month.
There is criteria to be eligible:
- Must have submitted a tax return for 2018/19 (if you missed the January deadline you now have 4 weeks to get it in)
- Self employed trading profits of up to £50,000
- The majority (at least half) of your income must come through self employment.
The grants will be taxable, and will need to be declared on tax returns by January 2022.
Questions you may have...
I’ve recently become self employed, am I eligible?
The scheme does not cover people who only became self-employed very recently (do not have self employment income for the tax year 2018/19) you will have to look to the benefits system for support.
How do I claim the help?
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will use existing information to identify those eligible and will invite those that are to apply to confirm that they meet the eligibility requirements. Once approved, the money will be paid directly into your bank account as provided on the application form.
You do not need to contact HMRC, and be aware that some people may try to impersonate HMRC to obtain your personal details.
When I will receive my grant?
The government are trying to set this up as quickly as possible, but expect payments will be made no later than the beginning of June, backdated to March.
How long can I access the Coronavirus Self-Employment Income Support scheme?
Initially, this support will be available for three months, but will be reviewed and extended if necessary.
Can I still work whilst receiving the Coronavirus Self-Employment Income Support scheme?
Unlike the employee scheme, the self-employed can continue to work as they receive support.