Does anybody else feel as if these restrictions are NEVER going to end? For many of us, isolation-fatigue has set in and, while we know it’s for the best, and the greater good, it is hard. Happily, evidence is showing that all of the restrictions are having a positive effect and the numbers are coming down… But instead of huddling under the duvet and eating endless packets of biscuits for the duration (as tempting as it is!), we can turn this moment of adversity into one of opportunity.
Seeking the silver lining
The current cloud is pretty dark but there is a tiny slither of a silver lining, in as much as many of us have more time on our hands. The restrictions imposed are intended to still life and stop movement - so what to do with ourselves?
Our homes have taken a pounding this year, with the vast majority of us spending a lot more time in them. They’ve also been our sanctuary, and a place to cocoon and feel safe. Now is the perfect time to show our homes some love.
Pay it forward
During the first lockdown, there was a lot of talk of using the time for ‘transformation’ and, despite being well-intentioned, this is an awful lot of pressure. Big change is scary - and there’s enough scary happening in the world right now! Smaller bit-sized projects are a much better, and less stressful, option. Instead of giving your home a total Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen makeover, make a list of easily achievable tasks, such as:
- Cleaning out the cutlery/utensil drawers in the kitchen. Seriously, have you seen the crumbs in there?!
- Taking the books off the bookshelves and wiping with a nicely-scented anti-bac spray.
- Moving big furniture, and the sofa, and cleaning underneath.
- Organising the understairs cupboard/loft. Honestly, have you ever done this since you moved in?!
- Having a wardrobe cull. Despite the happy memories it evokes, will you ever wear that neon pink ra-ra skirt from 1987 ever again?!
- Organising the bedding cupboard by separating the single, double, king sets and even using a Sharpie to write a ‘S’, ‘D’ or ‘K’ on the labels of the fitted sheets. Come on, you’ve got time to kill, right?!
- Get the Christmas decorations out and GET THEM UP! As we’re desperate for some festive cheer, many of us are decorating early this year and why not? There’s nothing like it to boost spirits and make us think of happier times.
During lockdown, keeping busy is vital and these are just some suggestions of how to give your home some special treatment. It deserves it! Obviously, it’s also super important to get out into the fresh air - so once the organisational tasks above have been done, why not get a cleaner in to help give your home some extra sparkly love? We can help you find a cleaner, even during lockdown, as our cleaners are still permitted to work inside people’s homes during this time, as long as the government guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed (which we ensure they will be).
Give your home the gift of extra loving care this festive season! A home isn’t just for Christmas ;)