Fresh out of the box trainers always look fantastic, but after just a short amount of time they can pick up all kinds of stains and scuffs.
Unfortunately, many types of trainers are unsuitable for the washing machine which means that you need to find other ways to clean them. Here are our top tips for restoring and maintaining your best trainers.
Restoring your trainers
To get started you should perform a ‘spot clean’. Here you do some targeted cleaning on your trainers to tackle any easily dislodged dirt. Begin by knocking your trainers together which should cause any large bits of dirt to fall away. Look for any other surface muck and marks to wipe away and use a pick to dig out any stones.
Next apply some shoe cleaner. If you don’t have any handy then try mixing together a solution of baking soda, warm water and a dash of vinegar. Now use a tooth brush and scrub with your cleaner in a circular motion. The tooth brush should make it easy to get any hard to reach dirt. This should work well on your trainers, particularly if they are white. Once you’ve done this, simply allow them to dry and then wipe them down with a cloth. If they still look dirty then just keep repeating the method until you get the results you hoped for.
Next loosen up your laces and throw them in the washing machine. This is a great way to lighten your laces and make your trainers appear brand new. Remember that most trainers aren't suitable for the washing machine. The combination of heat and moisture can cause warping and can even ruin them.
Maintaining your trainers
It’s all well and good giving your trainers a deep clean once in a while, but if you want to extend their shelf life then you should do it regularly. The longer you leave muck on your trainers the higher the chance of creating tough stains that are hard to remove. Try to form a habit of cleaning your trainers before you put them away each day, even if it’s just a quick ‘knock’ together and a light wipe with a cloth.
Do you have any unusual home cleaning techniques that save you money and time? Tweet us @TimeForYouGroup and let us know, or alternatively visit us at https://timeforyou.cleaning/uk/ for more tips and advice for cleaning your home.