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Say Goodbye to Spiders: Effective Ways to Banish Them from Your Home This Autumn

Posted: 09/09/2024

Autumn in the UK is a time of beautiful changing leaves, cosy jumpers, and... spiders? Yes, as the days grow shorter and the weather turns colder and wetter, spiders begin seeking refuge indoors. For many, the sight of these eight-legged visitors can be less than welcome. But fear not! There are many effective and natural ways to keep spiders at bay this season.

Use Strong Scents

One of the most effective ways to deter spiders is by using strong scents. Spiders have an aversion to certain strong-smelling essential oils. Here are some that you might already have at home:

  • Peppermint
  • Tea tree
  • Lavender
  • Citrus
  • Rose
  • Cinnamon

You can easily make a spider-repellent spray by mixing a few drops of any of these essential oils with water. Spray the mixture around entry points like doors and windows, as well as in areas where you've spotted spiders before. Not only will this help keep spiders away, but it’ll also leave your home smelling delightful!

For a ready-made solution, you can also purchase spider repellent sprays that contain peppermint oil. These are specifically designed to keep spiders out and can be very effective.

Set Traps

Traps are another practical option for those pesky spiders. You can find spider traps at many home and garden stores. Simply place them in areas where you’ve noticed spiders or suspect they may enter. These traps usually contain a sticky surface that captures the spiders when they crawl over them.

If you prefer a more humane approach, spider catchers are a fantastic alternative. These devices allow you to catch the spider without harming it, so you can release it back into the wild far from your home.

Remove Webs

When you find a spider web, remove it immediately. Regularly cleaning away webs ensures that spiders will be less likely to stick around. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to reach those high corners and nooks. This not only helps in getting rid of the webs but also any spiders that might be hiding there.

Keep Your Home Clean

A clean, tidy, and clutter-free home is less attractive to spiders. Ensure that you:

  • Regularly vacuum and dust: This eliminates the spiders' food source (other insects), as well as the spiders themselves.
  • Declutter: Piles of newspapers, magazines, and clothes provide perfect hiding spots for spiders.
  • Seal cracks and gaps: Inspect your home for any cracks, gaps or holes and seal them up. This will help prevent spiders from getting inside in the first place.

Plant Strong-Smelling Flowers

If you enjoy gardening, here’s a natural way to keep spiders away from your home: plant flowers and herbs with strong scents. Lavender, mint, eucalyptus, and citronella are all known to deter spiders. Plant these around the perimeter of your home, particularly near entry points. Not only will they act as a natural spider repellent, but they’ll also add fragrance to your garden.

Conkers: Fact or Fiction?

Ah, the age-old tale of conkers as spider repellents. The story goes that conkers (horse chestnuts) contain a noxious chemical that spiders avoid, but the truth is, there’s no conclusive scientific evidence to support this. While some people swear by placing conkers around their homes to keep spiders at bay, others have found them to be completely ineffective.

So, are conkers worth a try? It’s up to you! They’re certainly harmless and could add a touch of autumnal charm to your home décor. Just don’t expect them to be a foolproof spider deterrent.

Why Do Spiders Move Indoors in Autumn?

Understanding why spiders come indoors during autumn can help us better prepare to deal with them. As the weather begins to cool down and the days shorten, spiders start looking for warm, sheltered places to spend the winter. Your home, with its cosy corners and steady climate, offers the perfect refuge.

Tips for Autumn:

  • Regularly inspect and clean areas where spiders might hide, like attics and garages.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • Be mindful of what you bring inside from the garden, as spiders can easily hitch a ride on plants, firewood, or other items.

Final Thoughts:

While it can be frustrating to deal with an influx of spiders, it’s also part of the changing season. By taking these steps, you can greatly reduce the number of unwelcome arachnid guests in your home and enjoy the beautiful autumn season without a worry.

Dealing with spiders in autumn doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a combination of strong scents, traps, regular cleaning, and a few strategic plants, you can create a spider-free haven. Say goodbye to spiders this autumn and enjoy a warm, cosy, and spider-free season!