We all love it when the car is clean and sparkling, with the fresh scent of a new air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. But if you’re even a tiny bit like me, that doesn’t happen very often. With me it’s usually the case that after being pestered for months, I finally clear the rubbish out of the foot wells and drive it down to the local hand car wash for a £10 once over! Invariably, it comes out the other side, clean…..er but hardly spotless. As the old adage goes, if you want something doing properly, it’s best to do it yourself. Plus, it will save you a quid or two as well! So this week in the Time For You blog we are bringing you the definitive guide to the PERFECT car wash.
First thing’s first, make sure your car is in a position out of the sun. If the sun is beating down on it, it will dry too fast, leaving residue and streaks. Then, make sure you’ve got everything you need to clean the outside before you start.
Your 6 essential items are:
1. One cloth, sponge or very soft bristle brush.
2. One clean shammy to dry the car and remove unwanted streaks
3. Car shampoo, the real thing, not washing up liquid or household detergents. (They are not meant for cars and can damage your cars paintwork!)
4. Tyre protection. This will leave a really professional finish and give your tyres a rich, dark shine which will last for weeks.
5. A steady supply of running water. A pressure washer, (used with the wide jet to avoid nasty lines on your paint work), will really speed up the job.
6. Polish: Choose carefully and consult your local DIY store to make sure you get the best polish for your particular car’s paintwork.
10 Steps To A Valet Finish
The outside
Step 1: Rinse. Get your car nice and wet, removing any loose dirt and crime as you go. This is a vital step and will make the next 3 much easier.
Step 2: Get your cloth, brush or sponge nice and soapy and start cleaning each section of your car. Concentrate on one section at a time, working from the top to bottom, getting each section completely clean before moving on.As you’re washing make sure you are rubbing gently in circular motions to loosen the dirt. Be sure to rinse your sponge and change the water in your bucket (if using) regularly. If not, you may end up washing your car with a gritty sponge which could cause scratches.
Step 3: Once you have washed the entire car, give it a proper rinse all over to make sure all car soap and any remaining grime is completely gone.Get your shammy and work around your car, wiping off any excess water. This will help to prevent streaks being left.
Step 4: Polish. Leave your car to dry for an hour then get back outside with your chosen car polish. Make sure you apply the polish to the car as per the instructions on the container to get the best possible finish.
The inside
By now the outside of your car should be looking spectacular, now it’s time to tackle the inside. This is often the hardest task, particularly if left uncleaned for a long time. But the state of your car often reflects the owner so if you want people to think the best of you, make sure it’s as smart as you are.
Step 5: Give it a good tidy. Get rid of any rubbish and remove any items that could get in the way of your cleaning.
Step 6: Hoover your interior thoroughly. Make sure you remove your mats and clean the floor underneath. Get right in between and down the back of your seats. Hoover inside tyour doors and across your dash using the brush attachment to remove loose dust. Don’t forget the boot! Now your seats are dust free, you will be able to see if there are any marks that will need removing using a proper car upholstery cleaner. This can be purchased at your local DIY store and will leave your seats looking brand new.
Step 7: If your mats are filthy they may need a proper wash. Give them a bash out first to loosen up and remove some of the dust and dirt. Then stick them in your washing machine on a cold wash before drying outside. Tough ingrained dirt may require a thorough scrub with a stuff brush and soapy water.
Step 8: If you’ve got some hard to reach areas, an old toothbrush, or even a cotton bud is the perfect tool.
Step 9: Clean the dash and inside your door with a lint free towel and clean soapy water.
Step 10: Clean your windows with window cleaner but make sure you check that your cleaner contains no ammonia. This can harm the tint on the inside.
So that’s it. It might have taken a little while but your car will now be looking like you’ve just driven it off the forecourt. If you make sure you give it a clean every couple of weeks it will be really easy to keep looking spotless.
Written by Mike Pye