We’ve talked about stress a lot here on the Time For You blog and devoted a lot of words to discussing what it is, where it comes from and how to deal with it. Well this week we are going to focus in depth on the restorative powers of Yoga and how the practice is an amazing tool for dealing with the stresses in your life.
What is Yoga
Yoga originated in India over 5000 years ago. It’s an ancient form of exercise that brings together physical poses (postures), controlled breathing and meditation or relaxation to boost physical and mental wellbeing. There are many different types of Yoga from the gymnastic Ashtanga to hot yoga Bikram and much more in between. Hatha yoga however is probably the best form for beginners and those looking for relaxation from stress and anxiety, because of its focus on slow and easy movements and regulated breathing exercises. Almost anyone can take up Yoga and there is a variety to suit all needs, from energetic forms to gentle seated yoga for those with physical difficulties.
Why Yoga is good for stress
Anxiety really takes its toll on your body and mind. It drains your energy levels and keeps you in a constant state of stress. Exercise has been well documented as an important part of your stress relief plan but Yoga, as a form of exercise, is the perfect stress relief tool. Why? Well without exercise tension builds in your body, your breathing can come restricted and your mind has no rest from the constant racing thoughts of anxiety. Yoga combines movements to ease the pressure on your body and controlled breathing to help lower the heart rate and blood pressure. Yoga helps you access coping skills through exercise, breathing and meditation.
A few Yoga exercises practiced every day, help to regulate your breathing and relax the body by gently releasing tension from the large muscle groups, and flushing your body and brain with fresh oxygenated blood.
Controlled breathing is vital in Yoga and is a must if you are feeling like everything is getting too much. The ‘Complete Breath’ is a technique that can be used anywhere to reduce the severity of a panic attack, calm the mind or cope with a difficult situation. Learning to concentrate simply on the sound of the breath as you inhale and exhale evenly and smoothly will help you gently but effectively switch your attention from feelings of anxiety to feelings of relaxation.
Is Yoga for me?
As mentioned above, almost anyone can take up Yoga as there is a variety to suit all needs. It is the ideal practice to improve fitness, balance, flexibility, motion and strength as well as calm the mind and relieve tension. However, you may need to take precautions if you suffer from any particular chronic conditions or are pregnant. It’s best to consult your doctor before jumping head first in to your first class.
How do I get in to Yoga?
Many people learn from books or videos but the best way is to find a class near you where an expert teacher can help you refine your technique. They will also be able to adapt exercises to your body and level of fitness or tweak their lessons to suit your particular needs. Search online for classes near you and chat to the instructors to find out about their experience and training. Be sure to tell them about what you are looking to get out of your yoga classes and inform them of any injuries or conditions you suffer from. That way they can ensure their classes are perfectly suited to you.
Written by Mike Pye