With the increased cost of living and energy bills, most of us are feeling the crunch at the moment. Are you looking for ways to save energy in your home? From easy, quick and free actions, to long-term investments, here are some energy saving tips to save you money.
Turn down your combi boiler flow temperature
If you have a combi boiler (the most common type, without a hot water cylinder), you could save up to £100 a year by turning your flow temperature down to 60°C.
If anyone in the household is over 65 years old, under 5 years old, or has a health condition that makes them vulnerable to cold temperatures, set the flow temperature to 65°C.
The flow temperature is the temperature at which the water is when it is sent into your radiators. Reducing the flow temperature will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature of your home - it might just take a bit longer to reach the target temperature set on your thermostat.
Turn down radiators in unoccupied rooms
Do not waste money heating empty rooms. Turning down radiator valves to between 2.5 and 3 (around 18°C) in rooms you are not using, could save you up to £70 a year. When you want to use the room, simply turn the valve up.
It is important that you just turn the valve down, rather than turning the radiator off completely, as this can be counterproductive. When you come to use the room again and turn the valve up, your boiler would have to work harder to bring the room up to temperature from being off.
Switch appliances off at the socket
Nearly all wired electrical home appliances and technology continuously draw power, unless they are unplugged or switched off at the socket. This includes televisions, computers, video game consoles, and smart devices.
You could save £70 a year by unplugging appliances or turning off the power switch at the socket when they are not in use.
Reduce your tumble dryer usage
Tumble dryers take a lot of energy to run, so using your tumble dryer less frequently could save you up to £70 a year.
Cut down your tumble dryer usage and energy bills by using a clothes airer or washing line to dry your clothes on, whenever possible.
If you must use your tumble dryer, make sure you have a full load before putting it on to make the most of the energy used. However, you should avoid overfilling as this will mean the dryer will have to run for longer. The drum should be around three quarters full.
Wash clothes less and at a lower temperature
You could save up to £40 a year by using your washing machine less frequently and washing clothes at a lower temperature. As with your dryer, make sure you have a full load before running your washing machine.
Modern washing machines make it possible to effectively clean clothes at a lower temperature. Switching from 40°C to 30°C can make a big difference - doing 2 washes at 40°C can use the same amount of energy as doing 3 washes at 30°C.
We hope that some of these tips help you to save energy and money. Please bear in mind, when it comes to heating your home, that it should be heated to 18°C to be safe. If a room is prone to condensation, ensure it is heated sufficiently to prevent a damp problem.