We ran a customer survey in June to find out what you think about our emails, blog posts and social media. We’re desperate to keep improving what we do so thanks to everyone who contributed. There was a fantastic response to the survey and a lot of great feedback from customers who’ve told us what they like, what they don’t and what they’d like to see more of.
Here’s what you had to say
- 90% of you are happy with how often you’re hearing from us so we will continue to contact you weekly by email. If you want to hear from us more, as quite a few of you do, please feel free to follow us on Twitter or Facebook, for daily updates.
- 94% of you like to hear from us via email so we will continue to use email to update you on our latest posts, company updates, special offers and more.
- 68% of you prefer to hear from us during the week. We will continue to contact you every Wednesday but as many of you want to hear from us at weekend, on some occasions we will email you at weekends too, so you can enjoy a good read over your morning coffee.
- What do you want to hear more of? Well this inspired some very interesting answers. Unsurprisingly special offers were high on the list, we all love a bargain don’t we! However also popular were ‘How to’ articles and product reviews, and competitions. So keep an eye out during the rest of year as we’ll be producing some more fantastic content.
Here’s a few of your comments
What do you think about our weekly emails?
“I always have a good read and like the idea of a sit down with a cup of tea!!”
“Very informative and useful. What would be really helpful is a guide of how to get the best out of your service. Perhaps samples of task list or examples of what can be achieved in certain time.”
“Really helpful. Some good tips!”
Tell us what you think about our current blog posts and if there are any particular topics you'd like us to write about
“I enjoy reading the blogs and some of the innovative ideas.”
“Would be interested in tips about using natural ingredients for cleaning.”
“I find them interesting. Carpet cleaning (I have dogs!) ideas would be useful.”
If you could change one thing about our website, what would it be?
“I wouldn't as it's straightforward and easy to use”
“More video content”
“It's a bit cluttered”
Written by Mike Pye