Local cleaning vacancies in Loughborough, Coalville and Ashby-de-la-Zouch!
You can have regular, local cleaning work in your area. Fully flexible hours that work around YOU!
Typical hourly rate of £13.50 - £14, and you get paid on the same day that you clean.
Cleaning products and equipment is provided, and we cover the insurance.
We have regular cleaning hours in Loughborough, Coalville and Ashby-de-la-Zouch.
We have full time or part time hours available, start your cleaning job with us today!
Working with us at Time For You you get to be your own boss and build up a cleaning round to fit around your life. As a self employed cleaner you choose your own hours and get paid immediately by the client on completion of your work.
For a cleaning job that works around you, get in touch today!
Become a cleaner in just 2 easy steps
Step 1
Submit your details via our easy to use application forms
You can easily apply for cleaning opportunities in your area by submitting an application form direct to us.
Step 2
In person interview at your Home
We like to meet in person anyone we work with and ask that we meet you in your home. This gives Clients a greater peace of mind about who we are placing into their homes.
Time For You Loughborough and Coalville Cleaning Jobs
Domestic Cleaner Coalville - LE67
- Location:
- Coalville - LE67
- Cleaning Hours:
- 4 - 25 per week
- Typical Hourly Rate:
- £13.50 - £14.00 per hour
Cleaner Loughborough - LE11
- Location:
- Loughborough - LE11
- Cleaning Hours:
- 2 - 25 per week
- Typical Hourly Rate:
- £13.50 - £14.00 per hour
Here's some of our more frequently asked questions when becoming a cleaner at Time For You.
Cleaner Reviews
Time For You is rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 82 testimonials