Procrastination is something that we all struggle with. Whether it’s putting off the laundry, confronting a problem or meeting an important deadline, it’s not uncommon to put things off until the last possible minute. Here are a few ways that you can win the argument with yourself to achieve what you are hoping to.
1 – Break up projects into pieces
Often a job can seem like a mammoth task and even just thinking about it makes you feel queasy. If this is the case then you should consider breaking a job up into small manageable sections which will be easier to complete.
2 – Stop worrying about failure
Another big roadblock on the path to getting things done can be our own self-doubt and worry that we might not do justice to the job at hand. The cold hard truth is that unless you give it a go, you will never know. Remember that people often learn much more from failure than they do success and if you do fail you’ll be more prepared than you were before.
3 – Use the 2-minute rule
There’s a reason that our parents try to encourage us to clean up after ourselves, wash up after we’ve eaten and put our dirty clothes in the wash basket. The reason is that if you don’t do these things straight away then they’ll become a much bigger problem further down the line. The 2-minute rule encourages people to complete any task that will take less than 2 minutes when it presents itself, so do it now rather than later.
4 – Shake things up
It’s easy to get stuck in a slump at your workspace but simple tricks like opening the window for some fresh air or putting some background music on can sometimes help you to regain some focus. Alternatively, take your lunch outside for a change or maybe go for a walk to gather your thoughts and soak up some sunshine.
5 – Clarify your goals and make a to-do-list
If you aren’t sure what it is you want to achieve then you are never going to get it done. What steps do you need to take to get things done? Make a list at the start of each day and check them off. Give yourself short deadlines so that you are forced into action. If you make all these suggestions routine then you’ll see your productivity begin to soar.
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